Team 1

Symbols of a Lifetime


When the students from Indonesia and Germany first met they talked a lot. Besides the normal getting to know each other, we also recognized that there are differences and similarities in our lifestyles. In this workshop, we realized how often signs and symbols appear in a lifetime, and also that, regardless of nationality, different symbols are often used in the same situation. With this groundwork, we started to work on this animation plan. We decided to animate the "Symbols of a Lifetime" with the differing views from Indonesia and Germany.


To distinguish between the Indonesian and German characteristics, they were marked with a different color setting. When a situation first appears, the animation shows the Indonesian symbol and after that the German one. The animation begins with the sound-symbol of a crying baby. With this structure, the animation continues to show the different symbols in the same life stages. A crying baby, a barking dog, a wedding and even a funeral show the differences and also the similarities. Used were sound-, gesture- and color-symbols.


The Message can be best described with the last words in the animation itself: "We might start the same, with similar symbols. Then we might differ when our symbols turn different. But in the end, we return to the same point" In the end, we are all human and we reach the same important stages in life. Symbols can express our life in many ways and even when the signs are different, we can decode them with an open eye.


Niko Winkler (6.sem.)

Nathalie Hochholzer (2.sem.)

Fatia Nurilmi Magistra (6.sem.)

Vinsensiana Aprilia (6.sem.)

Danny Rizky W (6.sem.)
